Saturday, July 26, 2008

Leading up to THE day!

Well, we went through it last year with Zoe and now it's Jackson's turn....the big first day of Kindergarten. In 9 days he will be off to the new world of elementary school. I did okay last year as we left Zoe in her classroom, except for a few tears as we were driving away from what seemed like such a huge school for such a tiny little girl. I can't believe the time has come for Jackson's turn. Last week, we went to the library and left with 17 books and one special one that big sister Zoe picked out just for Jackson, A place called Kindergarten. She wanted to read it to him and teach him about all the fun he is going to have at Liberty Elementary. These two have such a sweet friendship (of course, they have their brother/sister moments) but they are truly best buds. When Jackson was first born and Zoe was only a little over a year, I thought I would nearly lose my mind, but those hard months were all worth the double poopy diapers, double cribs, double mess, double crying fits, etc. when I happen upon moments like the ones in the pictures below...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Sweet! Precious moments like this make all the frustrating ones disappear:)
Jen ~mom of the "C" dudes~