Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jackson's Baptism

On Sunday, July 12, Jackson was baptized! We are so proud of him! He was so excited to do it, he was even the first one in line when it came time for the baptism. (Of course, he was goofing around on the steps leading to the pool while the congregation was singing and he slipped in the pool and bumped his head! Oh Jackson, we love you!) What a special and precious event in his life and in our family's life. As Christians, we believe baptism is a symbol or an outward showing to announce to people that you have become a Christian. This is something we really had to work with Jackson to understand. Being Baptized doesn't save you - only Christ can do that, by accepting His free gift of Salvation. Following baptism is an act of obedience and a special event in our lives as Christians and we are so thankful to share this event with our precious son! Here are some pictures of him before and during. Once again, thank you for rejoicing with us! Praise God!

Happy Jackson before the baptism!

Talking to Pastor Matt - what a precious face!

Getting ready!

Buried with Christ in baptism,
raised to walk in the newness of Life!

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