Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pastor Johnny, My Bible and Me

A couple Sunday evenings ago, our church honored the first graders (all 176 of them!) with their very own Bible and a highlighter. Zoe was so excited! It was a special service for them as they all got to go up on stage and receive their Bible from our wonderful pastor, Johnny Hunt. We are so blessed by our church, we absolutely wouldn't want to be anywhere else on Sunday mornings! After the service there was a pizza party complete with a magician, face painting, balloon art, etc. First Baptist Woodstock truly knows how to show their love to their members, including the children. Each child got their picture taken with our pastor and their Bible. Here is Zoe and Pastor Johnny:

Along with a copy of the picture was a sweet letter that truly shows the heart of our pastor. Here are a few lines from the letter:
Dear friend,
Let me begin by saying I love you! What an incredible blessing it is that Jesus has allowed me to serve as your pastor.... I pray that you will cherish and love your Bible...Do know that one of the greatest honors of my life is knowing you. Let's love Jesus together. Remember, we are going to be together for a long, long time because I plan to go to Heaven with you!
Your pastor and friend,
Pastor Johnny

1 comment:

The McBrayer family said...

That is the sweetest thing ever! That letter he wrote to the kids is too precious for words. Blake came to the men's retreat that he did a couple of weeks ago- he loved it! What a great pastor yall have. Hope you are doing great!