Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh, the things Daddy can do with a diaper box!

The tradition lives on! When Zoe and Jackson were little (notice the picture) John would give them rides whenever a diaper box was emptied. Believe me, that was too often! He would pick them up, spin them around, and push them around in the "diaper box car". Well, we now have another candidate for the game, "Things you do with a diaper box!" John decided to give Addie Marie her first ride today. She loved it and then Zoe decided she wanted a ride too! John is such a great daddy - he pulled our 10 month old and 6 year old around the house. Notice I said "pulled" instead of "picked up and spun around" - John's a little older, a little wiser and the kids are a little heavier! Anyway, Zoe and Addie loved it! I got some of their ride on video. Too cute! Nothing gives a mother greater joy than watching her kids having fun! Especially when their daddy is the one making it so much fun and providing the laughter! I am so richly blessed! And the best thing is I know this is only one among many more rides in the "diaper box car"!


the back door said...

so funny!! i have a picture somewhere of my two kids each sitting in a diaper box with my husand sitting on a chair in front of them playing train! who knew diaper boxes could be so fun:) said...

Forget all of the toys we buy them! This shows what they really like ;-) Too cute!