Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween fun!

Here are a few pictures of the Halloween fun we had! Everyone kept commenting that the kids were Batman and Cat Woman - that wasn't the plan, but they kinda thought it was cool. Zoe was really a leopard. Yes, that is poor Addie with no costume. Yes, just give the Biggest Loser Mom award. To be honest, I just never found one that wasn't huge and bulky for her and she's not a big fan of things on her head so that cut out about 90% of the costumes. She didn't seem to mind and had a ball riding around in the wagon for the first time. Oh well, I'm sure she will tease me about it when she's old enough. Next year, I'll be sure to dress her as something great! As you can tell from the last picture, Zoe was so tired at the end of the night, she fell asleep on my mom. Now, that's a good Halloween!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catgirl & Batman look so cute! if you're like me, i'm sure you're ready for the candy to leave the house by now :)
can we just say TMS (too much sugar)?
love you guys!