It all started last year about this time when I asked Zoe if she ever wanted to get her ears pierced, she cringed and said, " about August of 2009!" I said, "Okay, August it is!" and we wrote it on the calender. Well, August was approaching and by now she was no longer cringing but begging me to take her get it done. So last Friday, (technically it was July 31...we were already busy on the 1st, she didn't mind) I was more nervous than she was, I was actually sick to my stomach going there, of course, not letting her see my nerves. She did AMAZING!! I told one of my friends before we went that I was fully prepared to get there and her change her mind. I also had visions of pinning her down after they pierced the first one and her screaming! To my absolute amazement, she didn't even flinch when they did they first or the second! I learned two very valuable lessons about Zoe that day, 1. When she really wants something, she'll do anything to get it and 2. Never underestimate any of my children. Here's the big girl with her new bling!
Getting ready...

Me, signing the "if her ears fall off, it's not our fault" consent forms :)
All done! Looking a little unsure about the holes that were just poked into her ears, but no tears!!
Calling daddy to tell him all about it! See the earrings!?